22 Days out from Mad Wizard Isle
Things has changed some since me mates and I crewed with Cap'n Shannahan. Where once we were a care free band of cut throats now we are officers and hands on the Maelstrom under Cap'n Winston.
We elected Winston our Captain by the articles of pyracy and cause he had been an officer afore times. His Da told us that his tales of being such were true though his other adventurin' yarns were not. Me mate and love Morgosis were made First Mate as he were so big and fearsome, coo if they only knew. Winston's Da were made Master Gunner and has been trainin' Winston's orphans how to ship , load and aim our guns. Stilgar is Second Mate and pilot owin' to his mastery of charts and seein' as he is a good ship's hand. I suppose Daggon is our marine contingent as he counts for ten regular swabs in a fight, but owin' to his constant drinking he is regularly in no state to command the crew. Marik is our Jonah of course since he is so devout and because his God si Posiedon and a crew were mad to not give a priest of Poseidon precedence whilst on deck. It gives me some pause though, as Stilgar is fair devoted to Pelar, Dagon has made an oath to Garl and me lovely Morgosis' father is a priest of Aman-Bull-Ra. I mean with four different priests and near as priests on board it could be a point of contention among the crew. I am the Bosun and it is my job to care for the ship's boat, keep the crew to swabbing the decks and belike.
I have been thinking a bit about our ship the Maelstrom. I have always set out to be a good pyrate and follow the Accords. Moreover, I drinks and bellows with the best and am all but racin' Dagon to the tavern to brawl and carouse when we are in port. It worries me therefore that our Cap'n knows not the Accords. He spoke it so to us when we were in the Gnomish port after we had done battle with the foul Cap'n Demmings and his scurvy dogs. I were dead after that fight but when I, Marik and Morgosis were raised up we found out that Cap'n Winston were only then paying out the hands and that he knew not the Accords. I told him that I would be glad to relate the Accords to him but he done put me off.
That may just be Cap'n Winston's way. He seems a good man. He is always concerned about the waifs he brings on to crew the Maelstrom and he is devoted to his sister. She is our whodo now and she is Winston's councilor though his Da is his closest. Still, I wonder som'at upon the waifs. Me Ma always told me to be wary of men who seemed over concerned with little lasses and lads. Not that there are no folk who wish only good for lost tykes, but still ye have to keep your headin' when ya deal with such folk. Cap'n Winston has said that he will have no crew who are not orphans. Does he not e'en wish us to scour the stews for experienced swabs?
I am also mindful that he does not like to name us pyrates. Dagon likes to name us "sea-going-adventures" and not pyrates but he's half orc and surly. it sticks in me craw that Cap'n Winston would not have us aligned with the forces of good that all pyrates strive to be. Not that all pyrates are good. There are rogues a plenty on the sea, I well know it. But it is the job of heroic pyrates like our selves to scour them from the waves. Mayhap, Cap'n Winston still thinks he is in that Duleandre navy he once sailed with.
Lastly, he names me mad and will not give me a better berth on the ship. I thought he would have me to third mate or some such but methinks now that he would put me off if he could. Ten days ago we were chased by the foul Captain Demming. The Maelstrom had sunk one of Demmings cruel fleet, after fierce battle. We were in no real shape for a fight. We had intended to make for a deserted island where we might lay to and fix the ship when we spotted Demmings chasing us to leeward. A mysterious fog came up out of nowhere and the crew thought providence had shown us favor but I was somewhat worried for fear it were Demming's mages or worse. I recommended we put out pontoons to warn us of contact in the fog and the Captain agreed. When one of the barrels began to act strangely I petitioned the Captain to swim out and have done for whatever were fouling the float. He would have none of it and questioned my competency o'er it. Saying, as he done, that we knew not whether that which grabbed our barrel were friend or foe. This with Captain-Cavorts with Mad Demonic Sorcerers- Demmings off our aft by who knew how few furlongs. As it turned out there were a lad in the boat who were but recent among Cap'n Zhaki and his undead crew so's it were fortune that I hadn't slit his throat and I were glad of it.
Turns out, Cap'n Zhaki were the one who had called up the mist that hid us from Demmings . He done it as he needed a favor from us. We had done things for Zhaki afore times under Good Cap'n Shanahan but when Zhaki's mate Piere asked us now, Cap'n Winston balked at it. He did no want me to defend the ship when we were in peril from Demmings and his filth but when a Cap'n we knew, and had business with afore, saves us and offers her guns to aid us he wanted no part of it. It took strong convincing to get him to agree.
Methinks, there maybe some'at amiss about out Captain. I have begun to talk to the crew to learn their minds and when I do I will ask for parlay and a passing of balls to see how the weather lies with Winston.
Have you made Jenna purposely mistaken about Winston's past? He captained a Duleandre boat, not Whitelander. It's unlikely that the Whitelander navy would suffer a half-breed to captain a military vessel.
Bravo on the story. (claps)
Actual, I hadn't read his past. I will now. I was basing it on what I remember him saying. I couldn't remember him saying where the navy he came from was.
I will correct this now.
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