21 days out from Mad Wizard Isle
I enjoyed the life of a pyrate sailing with Good Cap'n Shanahan and his crew of rough, brave souls. The cove Morgosis and his mate Daggon were both monks. It turns out that Daggon, havin' already seen me swipe off my right hand, swung his great fist into me head to prevent me from putting out my sight. He and Morgosis the minotaur hauled me to blacksmith who cauterized my wrist and then they had him stick a hook on it. Afterwards they dumped me in front of Shanahan and his crew. When I leaped to my feet and grabbed a sword Morgosis tried to stop me from hurtin' meself further. Elsewise I ne'er have been able to stab him in his great hairy paw.
Morgosis hails from a far of land that were of the name Egypt in his 'gyptian minotaur speech. To hear him tell it, Egypt is a land of farrows, priests and sand, a dotted all about with houses o' the dead that are not more than stone barn roofs sticking out of the dunes. I know not what he sees in it but, as he is me husband and all, I suppose one day we will set course for it. Aye, he is me lawful wedded bunkmate now him whose great paw I pierced when first I came aboard the Bloody Cutlass.
I know not so much about Great Dagon the Sot. He is a monk and a half-blood orc and a more powerful drinker I've ne'er knowed. He is also a follower of the God of the Gnomes, Garl Glittergold. Dagon does not speak much about his past though he were hunted by a demon for a time and he's always a lookin for a bunch o' lads who shouts and fights with there feet and hands as does he.
Dagon and Morgosis were me first true mates on the Bloody Cutlas and we's seen some adventures as the best of the storybooks rare tells. We had a set to with a kraken and fought a dragon in its lair. We have fought in a temple dedicated to the dead and fell and turned it once more to the light of Pelar. I were not me ownself through much of that as I were inhabited by the shade of a Great Pirate Captain, who were a maid like me. We ha' seen the feirce Cap'n Zhaki who rules a crew of the dead and ha' done him more than one favor. In truth we are the stuff of great adventure. Though I have not as yet rescued my first princess from a tower as all good pytates must.
There were several lads that all took ship with Shanahan from Vandasport in the Redlands the same day as me. We got to know each other fair well. They're me mates as well. Stilgar who is goddly and feral all at once. He is a mariner and navigator both and a drab hand with a pistol. A good mate is Stilgar. Marik be goddly as well, followin' the Storm and Sea God Poseidon. A perilous deity to follow and one that puts fear into the hearts of many a sailor, but if you have to have a Jonah on your decks you couldn't ask for a better one than Marik. Winston was mad as a hater when first he came on board. He would drawl on about exploits that happened years and years past as if they happened to his own self and no other. He was always telling us of his dead pater and of how he had been an officer in some great navy or other. The thing of it is, he knew not the yardarm from the mainsail. A rare and spooky cove he and the spookier when we found his Da in the belly of a kraken and Winston denied the cove were his Da. Denied e'en when Shanahan his ownself reckoned he knew Winston's Da and the cove from the kraken were he in the flesh. Some time agone Shanahan cured him of his madness and now he allows that the mad adventures he once told of were those his Da and Ma had done. Winston has come to know his Da the better and has him as the master gunner on the new ship he captains, The Maelestrom.
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